The Reading Room

I will try to keep up with what I am reading here.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

#25, 1942, by Robert Conroy

What if the Japanese had destroyed the oil-storage tanks as well as the battleships at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941? This fast-paced alternative history explores this scenario. It is a quick, enjoyable read. Recommended to history buffs.

#26, As Good as Gone, by Larry Watson

Clint Eastwood would make a good Calvin Sidey, an old man who returns to town (Gladstone, Montana) to watch his grandchildren while his son and his wife go to Missoula for her surgery. Set in 1963, this book explores the thoughts and feelings of all the members of the family, and does it well.

#24, The Only Rule is it Has to Work, by Ben Lindbergh and Sam Miller

Two stat-heads get a chance to put their theories to the test with the low-independent league Sonoma Stompers. The biggest lesson they learn is that it is harder than it looks to run a team. The authors admit their mistakes, celebrate their triumphs, and do not disparage the traditionalists who disagree with them. If you want a look inside the running of a team, read this book.